Today we decided to have some fun with the boy.... well....we have fun with the boy everyday, but today we decided to have fun with pictures.
The set up was pretty simple. We got out some of Stephen's math books and set Ephraim on our table in front of the bookcase. The lighting was accomplished with the use of some natural light and one strobe that was bounced off the wall.
Then we set Ephraim down and let him go to town (under our watchful eye of course).
What follows are some precious pictures that tell quite a story about our future mathematician (at least Stephen hopes for him to catch a bit of the math bug).
We took a couple of our favorites and made some "math memes" out of them.
I hope that you enjoy these photos as much as we do! Also, feel free to take the memes and share them. After all, isn't that what memes are for?
-Stepheni Beckman